sobota, 18 stycznia, 2025
Strona głównaSkróty wiadomościPOLSKANowy przełom w śledztwie dotyczącym zamachu na brata prezydenta - odkryte sensacyjne...

Nowy przełom w śledztwie dotyczącym zamachu na brata prezydenta – odkryte sensacyjne dowody!

45th anniversary of the assassination of Sergio Mattarelli, brother of current Italian President, Piersantini Mattarelli, led to a breakthrough in the decades-long investigation. The Sicilian mafia was found to be behind the attack on the former governor of Sicily, who was shot dead in 1980. Two men, currently serving life sentences for other mafia crimes, have been identified as the direct perpetrators of the assassination. One of the shooters was the son of a powerful deceased mafia boss, while the other was a known perpetrator of multiple mafia attacks. The investigation was aided by a photograph obtained by the prosecutor’s office, which had appealed to the media for any images from the crime scene. #Italy #Mafia #Assassination #Investigation

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A o tym słyszałeś?  Polacy wybierają tańsze hotele i mniej znane miejsca na ferie!
Marcin Kowalski
Marcin Kowalski
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