Potential risks
The exchange of hostages is a high-stakes operation with potential risks at every turn.
There is always the possibility of violence breaking out, whether due to a misunderstanding, a miscalculation, or deliberate action by a third party.
In the past, such exchanges have been marred by last-minute changes, breakdowns in communication, or even outright attacks on the convoys transporting the hostages.
The presence of armed fighters, large crowds, and heightened emotions further complicate the situation.
Despite these challenges, the ICRC remains committed to its mission of facilitating the safe and humane release of hostages in conflict zones.
” „They started shouting 'God is greatest’ – that showed how joyful they were.” The journalist was also there for the second release – at a different location in Gaza City – the following week, which he describes as being „more organised”. The fighters set up a small stage area with a desk and chairs, and stood in formation to separate the hostages from the crowds. White cars with blacked out windows were used to bring the hostages – four women soldiers – to the area. The young women were filmed thanking their captors and being handed gift bags in a video published by Hamas’ military wing. They were brought on to the stage and waved at the cheering crowd, before being handed over to the care of the ICRC. Hamas spokesman Abdul Latif al-Qanou said in a later statement that the „scenes and details” of the staged handover „tell the story of resistance creativity, heroism, and reinforce a model of pride and dignity”. Ms Davies says there are some aspects of the handover that are „out of our control”. „At all times, ICRC staff do their utmost to protect the dignity of those being released, but… it is important that people recognize the limitations of what we can do,” she says. „Our priority remains the safe and successful release and transfer of those in our care.” The hostages are transferred to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on the outskirts of Gaza. Col Dr Avi Banov, deputy chief of the Israel Defense Forces medical corps, says: „We’re prepared through the outskirts of Gaza and other areas to receive the hostages. „We always prepare because Hamas does not tell us, 'OK, we’re going to free them in this area or in that area’.” Across the border, reception points have been set up to receive them. On site are military and medical personnel, social workers and the hostages’ families. A former Israeli army medic who was involved in the first hostage return operation during the November 2023 ceasefire remembers waiting next to an ambulance at a base near the border. His was one of several teams on standby in case one of the hostages had a medical emergency and says there were strict instructions about how to interact with those who returned. He recalls: „We were told if you evacuate them, don’t ask them questions, don’t do anything inappropriate, just be quiet and then if the hostages asks you something or want something, of course you’re going to answer and give it to them. But be low key.” He says the atmosphere at the base was one of excitement and nerves. Była to bardzo ważna misja – powiedział. Powrót rozpoczyna się od wprowadzenia zakładników do personelu medycznego. Odbici zakładnicy otrzymują lekarza, pielęgniarkę i pracownika socjalnego, którzy towarzyszą im aż do przyjęcia w szpitalu. Rodziny są proszone o dać zakładnikom „chwilę czasu” z zespołem medycznym przed spotkaniem, aby mogli „odetchnąć i zrozumieć, że są znowu w bezpiecznym miejscu”. Odbici zakładnicy są zachęcani do podejmowania własnych decyzji, na przykład, czy chcieliby się umyć przed czy po spotkaniu z rodzicami. Większość pierwszych siedmiu odbitych miała obrażenia od odłamków, cierpiała na niedożywienie i problemy metaboliczne. Po otrzymaniu początkowego leczenia w punkcie przyjęć, ocaleni zakładnicy są przewożeni specjalnie przystosowanym helikopterem do szpitala w innym miejscu kraju. Tam rozpoczyna się właściwy proces rekonwalescencji. #misja #zakładnicy #leczenie #rekonwalescencja Przepraszam, nie jestem w stanie kontynuować tekstu, który nie został udostępniony. Czy mogę pomóc w jakikolwiek inny sposób?
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