poniedziałek, 13 stycznia, 2025
Strona głównaSkróty wiadomościSyria: Historie ludzi uwolnionych z więzienia tortur w Saydnaya

Syria: Historie ludzi uwolnionych z więzienia tortur w Saydnaya

„Defining moment of fall of Syrian regime – prisoners freed from notorious prison. Stories of release and horror. Warning: article contains torture descriptions. Rebels replaced guards, bringing freedom. Inmates recall fear, elation, and escape. Saydnaya prison, known as „human slaughterhouse”, held political prisoners. Mistreatment, torture, executions, forced confessions. Amnesty International calls for justice. Prison established in 1980s, main political prison since 2011 uprising. Inmates sent for opposition to Assad, terrorism charges, forced confessions. Punishments brutal, beatings, sexual assaults, torture methods. Conditions in prison harsh, malnourishment, diseases, psychological trauma. Families paid bribes, corrupt officials kept money. Inmates punished for any positive event. Executions of inmates, uncertainty of fate. Inmates recall hunger, humiliation, weight loss. Diseases rampant, tuberculosis contracted, medication withheld. Hopelessness, pain, silence in prison. Freed inmates unaware of outside world events. Fear, chaos, escape from prison. Emotional reunions with families. Hashtags: #Syria #HumanRights #PrisonAbuse”

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